350 research outputs found

    Análise da relação entre intimidade e compartilhamento de conhecimento em grupos nos processos de desenvolvimento organizacional

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013A introdução da Gestão do Conhecimento no ambiente organizacional tem sido responsável por transformações nos processos, relações e resultados das organizações. Essas transformações têm como base o fato de que o conhecimento, quando compartilhado, aumenta e sustenta o novo paradigma construído. Entretanto o processo de compartilhamento tem uma série de nuances que devem ser exploradas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é explorar uma destas nuances, a intimidade, a fim de verificar como o compartilhamento do conhecimento se relaciona com o desenvolvimento da intimidade de um grupo. A metodologia adotada foi, a partir da identificação de constructos que poderiam suportar as variáveis de estudo, analisar a evolução dos mesmos em um processo de desenvolvimento organizacional em uma organização prestadora de serviços por quatro anos, durante os quais seus líderes são submetidos a diversas práticas de Gestão de Conhecimento. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que quanto maior a intimidade, melhor é o aproveitamento das práticas de Gestão do Conhecimento e que o desenvolvimento de intimidade gera mudanças de comportamento e de ambiente que fortalecem as razões para o compartilhamento de conhecimento, o que amplia o fluxo de conhecimento e a aprendizagem de grupo Abstract: The introduction of Knowledge Management in the organizational environment has been responsible or changes in processes, relationships and business results. These transformations are based on the fact that knowledge, when shared, grows and maintains the new paradigm built. However the process of sharing has a number of nuances that should be explored. The aim of this paper is to explore one of these nuances, intimacy, in order to check how the knowledge sharing relates to the development of intimacy in a group. The methodology adopted was based on the identification of constructs that could support the study variables, analyze their evolution in a process of organizational development in a service company for four years, during which its leaders are subjected to various practices Knowledge Management. The results showed that the greater the intimacy, is the best use of knowledge management practices and the development of intimacy creates changes in behavior and environment that strengthens the reasons for knowledge sharing, which increases the flow of knowledge and group learning

    Survey About the Use of Bacterial Inoculants in Brazil: Effects on Silage Quality and Animal Performance

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    Our objective was to report the effect of bacterial inoculants on silage quality and animal responses in Brazil. A survey of bacterial inoculants utilization in Brazil was made based on a total of 178 published articles assessing a widely varied crops (alfalfa, cabbage, cassava, corn, grass, high-moisture corn (HMC), high-moisture sorghum, millet, oat, orange bagasse, peanut forage, sorghum, soybean, stylosantes Campo Grande, sugarcane, and sunflower). Sugarcane and grass silages comprised 58.1% of the total crops investigated. Homolactic inoculation reduced dry matter (DM) losses in alfalfa silages, but not in corn, grass, HMC, and sorghum silages. Heterolactic inoculation enhanced the aerobic stability of corn and HMC silages. The use of heterofermentative lactic acid-bacteria (LAB) was more effective to improve fermentation of sugarcane silages compared to homofermentative LAB. Inoculation impaired the DM intake in cattle fed corn, grass, and sugarcane silages, but DM intake increased in sheep due to inoculation. In some cases, silage digestibility was affected by inoculation. Positive responses to inoculation occurred most often when the compatibility between the bacterial inoculant and crop was better understood (e.g., homolactic inoculation for grass silage and heterolactic inoculation for sugarcane silage). The performance of animals consuming inoculated silages has been investigated in Brazil only a few times, but the data suggest a greater impact of bacterial inoculants on DM intake and weight gain in cattle and sheep than that indicated in temperate conditions

    Analysis of the preservative treatment influence on tropical timbers surfaces color and roughness

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    Embora os tratamentos químicos aumentem a durabilidade da madeira, efeitos indiretos são obtidos com o emprego de alguns desses produtos, como a modificação da sua cor original e alterações em sua superfície. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a superfície de três madeiras tropicais impregnadas com preservativo CCA por meio da colorimetria e da rugosidade. Três espécies de madeiras tropicais foram utilizadas, representando grupos de baixa, média e alta densidades. A cor de todas as madeiras foi alterada de forma significativa, ficando escuras, com diminuição dos pigmentos vermelhos e amarelos e com tendência ao esverdeamento da superfície. Com relação à rugosidade, todas as amostras apresentaram aumento da média aritmética da rugosidade (Ra) e da média da altura máxima (Rz), aumentando a aspereza da superfície.Although the chemical treatments increase wood durability, there are side effects due to the use of some products, such as the change of its original color and in its surface. The present work aimed to evaluate the surface of three tropical wood species impregnated with CCA preservative using colorimetric and roughness techniques. We used three tropical wood species representing groups of low, medium and high density. The color of the wood samples changed significantly, darkening with reduction of red and yellow pigments and a tending to surface`s greening. Regarding roughness, all samples showed an increase in the arithmetic mean roughness (Ra) and the mean maximum height (Rz), increasing surface roughness

    Uma Arquitetura Aberta e Orientada a Serviços para Softwares Assistentes Pessoais

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    Vários esforços vêm sendo feitos na direção de softwares assistentes pessoais (SAP) com o objetivo de ajudar as pessoas em suas atividades diárias, em casa ou no trabalho. A despeito da intrínseca complexidade que SAPs podem ter, a maior parte dos trabalhos se preocupa em desenvolver soluções apenas para tarefas bastante específicas, sem preocupações de integração e interoperação com outros sistemas (incluindo outros SAPs), além de não se conectarem com os sistemas empresariais e respectivos processos de negócios. Visando atender a esses requisitos, este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura de referência aberta para SAPs, permitindo que instâncias interoperáveis possam ser derivadas, personalizadas, implementadas e implantadas consoantes às características das pessoas e processos das organizações. Uma instância foi gerada e seus resultados analisados

    Arisa Nest – A Cloud-Based Platform for Development of Virtual Assistant

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    The use of virtual assistants has become popularized by their adhesion by large companies. This is because they have brought benefits to a certain extent in people’s daily activities or in their tasks in organizations, with reminders, automation of repetitive tasks, proposing solutions for various situations, etc.. To meet this demand, several tools have been developed to create this type of agent. Following the same trends, this paper presents the Arisa Nest platform, under the Platform as a Service model, as a tool to create virtual assistants with resources to manage information about users, create algorithms to give more effective answers, consume web services to the interoperability with other systems and with proactivity behaviors. Finally, some cases are presented using the platform in real scenarios and tests

    Assessment of Seed Viability by Laser Speckle Techniques

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    This work presents a new technique as a potential methodology to analyse seeds. The technology is known as dynamic speckle, or biospeckle, an optical phenomenon produced when active materials, such as biological tissue, are illuminated by laser light. In the present work, the biological activity of seed tissues has been inferred from quantitative and qualitative measurements of their speckle activity. The aim is to show that the biospeckle technique has a potential as a methodology to assess seed viability. One aspect that needs to be investigated is how the water content in the seeds affects bio-speckle activity. An experiment has been performed to determine the effect of humidity in the results. Seed activity for different levels of humidity was determined using quantitative and qualitative methods. Also, in others experiments, viable and non-viable seeds with different specific humidity levels could be classified using the same technique

    Mercados eficientes e arbitragem: um estudo sob o enfoque das finanças comportamentais

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    The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) has revealed to be one of the most influential theories in finance and constitutes the basis for countless asset pricing models. Its applications range from traditional Corporate Finance models to advanced theories, used to identify the just price of financial derivatives. One of the EMH pillars is the possibility of arbitration as a mechanism to correct possible deviations from market efficiency. According to classical market efficiency theory, even in an environment characterized by the presence of some not totally rational investors, the possibility of arbitration would annul their effect on the prices of traded assets, taking them back to their basic value. Nevertheless, a relatively new and increasingly important area in Finance, called Behavioral Finance, has shown that, in real markets, the possibility of arbitration is often costly and unviable, compromising its use as a market regulation tool and even the classicaldefinition of market efficiency, which is the correct reflection of existing financial asset information in prices. This study deals with the importance of arbitration for the EMH and discusses its theoretical aspects. Next, adopting a Behavioral Finance approach, the main problems for its efficient usage are surveyed, as well as their consequences for the EMH.A Hipótese dos Mercados Eficientes (HME) tem se mostrado uma das mais influentes teorias no campo das finanças, sendo base para inúmeros modelos de precificação de ativos, com aplicações que vão desde modelos tradicionais utilizados em Finanças Corporativas até avançadas teorias utilizadas na identificação do preço "justo" de derivativos financeiros. Um dos pilares da HME é a possibilidade da arbitragem como mecanismo de correção de possíveis desvios que o mercado possa sofrer de sua forma eficiente.Pela teoria clássica dos mercados eficientes, mesmo em um ambiente caracterizado pela presença de alguns investidores não totalmente racionais, a possibilidade de arbitragem anularia o efeito destes nos preços dos ativos negociados, trazendo-os de volta ao seu valor fundamental. Um campo relativamente novo e de crescente importância das finanças, denominado Finanças Comportamentais, tem mostrado, entretanto, que nos mercados reais a possibilidade de arbitragem é, muitas vezes, custosa e não passível de realização, comprometendo sua utilização como ferramenta reguladora do mercado e, até mesmo, a definição clássica de sua eficiência, que é a de refletir corretamente nos preços as informações existentes sobre os ativos financeiros. Este trabalho aborda a importância da arbitragem para a HME, discutindo seus aspectos teóricos. Posteriormente, são levantados, através de uma abordagem derivada das Finanças Comportamentais, os principais problemas existentes quanto à sua efetiva utilização nos mercados reais e as conseqüências destes para a HME

    Assessment of Seed Viability by Laser Speckle Techniques

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    This work presents a new technique as a potential methodology to analyse seeds. The technology is known as dynamic speckle, or biospeckle, an optical phenomenon produced when active materials, such as biological tissue, are illuminated by laser light. In the present work, the biological activity of seed tissues has been inferred from quantitative and qualitative measurements of their speckle activity. The aim is to show that the biospeckle technique has a potential as a methodology to assess seed viability. One aspect that needs to be investigated is how the water content in the seeds affects bio-speckle activity. An experiment has been performed to determine the effect of humidity in the results. Seed activity for different levels of humidity was determined using quantitative and qualitative methods. Also, in others experiments, viable and non-viable seeds with different specific humidity levels could be classified using the same technique.Facultad de Ingeniería (FI

    Assessment of Seed Viability by Laser Speckle Techniques

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    This work presents a new technique as a potential methodology to analyse seeds. The technology is known as dynamic speckle, or biospeckle, an optical phenomenon produced when active materials, such as biological tissue, are illuminated by laser light. In the present work, the biological activity of seed tissues has been inferred from quantitative and qualitative measurements of their speckle activity. The aim is to show that the biospeckle technique has a potential as a methodology to assess seed viability. One aspect that needs to be investigated is how the water content in the seeds affects bio-speckle activity. An experiment has been performed to determine the effect of humidity in the results. Seed activity for different levels of humidity was determined using quantitative and qualitative methods. Also, in others experiments, viable and non-viable seeds with different specific humidity levels could be classified using the same technique.Facultad de Ingeniería (FI